Shirley Jimenez
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2017

-Or is he?-

Daan Huttinga at Unsplash

We are free is what we said,
but we are fooling ourselves.
Does freedom mean we can
do what we really want?
Why do we have so many rules
to follow which restrict our freedom?
There’s the Presidential declarations
and there’s the laws passed by Congress,
Not to mention the laws
Passed by our local assembly.
There is law in everything,
limiting our own freedom.
I am glad that they don’t yet
regulate the way we take our breath.
Don’t you ever stop and think
that we created our own maze?
We just go round and round,
but the door to freedom is gone.

I always wonder why is it we are always bounded by laws. What is the meaning of a free man if we’re limited in what we can do? They instill fear in us, so we can turn to them to make more laws and restrictions, to make us feel safer. Isn’t it about time to say STOP the insanity and regain the true meaning of freedom???



Shirley Jimenez
Resistance Poetry

A hopeless writer who just want to share a thought, experiences on what she's seeing in her own eyes.