A Mother’s Tears

A Villanelle

Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry



She is strong and resilient, nothing gets by her

History has taught her much for all that she sees

Her pain and anguish for her lost child, she is now death’s connoisseur

Life has grown from within, she is love’s whisperer

And its just a matter of time she’ll teach them their ABC’s

She is strong and resilient, nothing gets by her

As each day passes, she wonders should she just infer

How history treats children like hers, as if they were diseased

Her pain and anguish for her lost child, she is now death’s connoisseur

She knows there are those whose life calling is to be a saboteur

Her child’s dreams of equality that America supposedly guarantees

She is strong and resilient, nothing gets by her

Her heart cannot contain her pain, knowing they will hear the ugly slurs

Generations before her have passed down their expertise

Her pain and anguish for her lost child, she is now death’s connoisseur

In one split second, her child’s life has become a blur

A mother’s tears will envelope her as she drops to her knees

She is strong and resilient, nothing gets by her

Her pain and anguish for her lost child, she is now death’s connoisseur



Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou