A Perception Of Colour

Our History Of Black And White

Sylvia Wohlfarth
Resistance Poetry


I have stepped into the skin of colour
A different kind of psychedelic
No hopscotching the light fandango here
Dead serious stuff as a man is killed
Because he is black. Did you hear me?
Why do you smile? My face a shaded pale
Don’t PC me — a world confused, crazy
Defining lines gone hazy

Let’s skip the colours of the rainbow where
Somewhere I note a difference as I peek
Into a chasm of black and white foam
And it is not coffee cream like me —
Whoa, the white has holes and is hooded
Those days when lynching coloured red was cheap
And entertaining, maintaining the colour
Of white supreme like snowy detergent
Getting rid of grime — and wasn’t a crime

No longer need for brawn and sweat except
In sport. Yeh, let’s throw in a bit of hip hop
For taste. But you, no, bro, not a hope. Nope
Don’t cross the line/see the sign /hands cuffed —
Though still and all bygone the days of rope
So I will hold my nose and not the noose
And dive into a melting pot mixed with lives
Of ivory and ebony, some moms and vets
Thrown in for defense and whoever deems
It fit to join a peaceful race to disentanglement



Sylvia Wohlfarth
Resistance Poetry

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…