A Stone

Appreciating the unnoticed element of nature

Radha Kapadia
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2020


Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

Beautiful in itself, a stone
possesses a charm of its own,
that we all see but do not behold
of how they do not withhold
to embellish the big blue marble
with those colored fardel
And of shapes in difference
a replica of everything in existence
With crystal and sapphire not alone,
each one is as precious as another stone
Strange how something so deep
lies all around, scattered and in heap
like they are just nothing,
and yet beautify everything



Radha Kapadia
Resistance Poetry

Welcome to my memoir where I’m a forever student of life | Catch me: radha19kp@gmail.com | Connect/Support: https://linktr.ee/radhakap