Am I A Rude Scrooge?

Do I have screws loose because I think our vision of Christmas, of love, creates new fools?

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

I don’t feel the holiday spirit.

never really have.

All christmas was about
was getting things I never had.

Seeing my family was such a drag…
could probably pre-print a list of questions asked.

So disingenuous.
Put the phrases on a wheel and spin the shit.

Next time they’re contemplating graduation,
just might finish him.

I combat misgivings quick.
Seems my mortality less important than successful appearances.

The writing on the wall
in the rat’s obedient penmanship.

They’re killing me.

Race to ask questions
that are never fulfilling me.

Questions double as weapons
that take shots at abilities.

I feel in jeopardy.

But in this society,
that’s how we’re bred to be.



Resistance Poetry

essence of spirituality is contentment Know yourself, heal your universe Corruption causes justice to appear insane Increase awareness, decrease reactivity