Dermott Hayes
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2017

Fuck this and fuck that,
a voice asks, fuck what?
fuck everything,
what have you got?
If it lies, cheats or steals?
Fuck you and the beast
riding the wheels.
You say youth is fucked up
but you won’t take the rap
for twisting, distorting
and hey, fucking up.
Fuck you for diverting
the seeds of salvation,
the child of your dreams

harbingers of destruction,
hate with no reason
except to line
your own pockets
with fruits of damnation.
Fuck you and your morals
the rules of contortion
shaped, shifted and shuffled
to fuck fools
with your scruples
while you dip their pockets.
Fuck you.

