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Another Syrian Tragedy

Thumbs Up To The Gladiators

Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2020


Cold-blooded and blue-less, a liquid
of wickedness seeps through geographical
arteries and capillaries. Venomous
it wriggles and writhes blocking
veins and all access to the heart
with layers of toxic sediment —
our airflow blocked, we will gasp for air
and choke to death, such is our predicament.

Pernicious the words of the heartless
As China and Russia veto
a humanitarian corridor essential
to secure food and medication
to a people suffering a shattered
Syria, strangled in the grip
of an inhumane chain of power greed
and national self-preservation

With a suffocating lack of empathy
and love — for children and their families
anguishingly awaiting a winter of disease —
Assad and his cronies lean back
to watch them die with cynical ease.




Sylvia Wohlfarth
Resistance Poetry

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…