Are you stupid?

Larenz Brown
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2020
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Ok guys ok guys it’s go time!
says A as he looks back at the rest of the sentence
and tries to create some sense of urgency about going
to fuck somebody’s day up at 2:45 in the afternoon.

I’m really tired of having to be a part of questions,
says r, hunched over nursing a cigarette away from the wind,
highly upset to be sandwiched between tall A and curvy e.
I want to tell people shit, not ask.
Can’t we just ruin something and go home?

We are going to ruin something!
e exclaims excitedly.
Besides, it could be worse, you know it’s not easy being
cheery while working as many hours as I do.
Sometimes I wish I could be as angry as you are.

Why would you want that?
asked y (y is always asking why).
All r is good for is intimidating people and growling.
He’s almost as bad as o
*o sits quietly, snacking and happy to be doing something
other than making things more dramatic than they need to be*

u is a narcissist who carries a two-way
mirror umbrella. he says to s: you know you’d be a bit more attractive
if you sat up straight

s likes to speak up (and i likes when s speaks up)
but s doesn’t like to be made to feel like she cant speak up
and s also jumps to conclusions really fast.
She stomps and says: can we please go before t has to go to church?
It’s gonna be time for 5 o clock mass soon.
t looks across the sentence for the right angle
to deliver a ‘what the fuck’ face.

u talks to twitter so that people will think he’s important
and has real thoughts about real things instead of
stolen concepts and lessons in clickbait.
p is always poking r about being a bastard child
who looks nothing like either of his parents (which r refuses to believe).

i is self conscious about her beauty mark and quietly asks:
Where are we going anyways?
To which d, holder of the Guinness world record for longest handstand
(and secret biological father of p)
responds, why little i, I’m so happy you inquired,
we’re gonna go dig a grave for a blind man.

