foto©robcullen20102010 Karrayyuu men looking after the Camel herd.

Awash River

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry


The Awash River rises

in the distant Highlands,

never reaching the sea.

Its flow comes to an end

in the low land of the Danakil Depression

the hottest place on this earth.

Approaching the Awash River Falls,

we are advised not to walk without a guide.

There are Nile Crocodiles in the river.

We took note of what was said,

but walked anyway to the water’s edge

in the basin of the Awash Falls.

It is a place that is held sacred

by the people of the valley.

Once cattle were brought here to be ritually cleansed.

An Odo tree still grows by the river side,

a sacred tree in the people’s beliefs,

a place and a tree of connections,

a place that still holds significance.

The wild date has a large seed,

but the dark ripe flesh is sweet.

Baboon families visit and feast.



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.