Bee on my knee (Don’t forget your Mother)

The Original Human Content Journal
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019


Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

A bee on my knee
Stopped by to say hello
As if giving a tiny bee kiss to me…
Chuckled to myself,
"I wonder if this means,
I am the bee's knee"

Sadly, no…
The chuckle & joy of the encounter
Faded as quickly as it happened…

I watched the bee fly away &
Fall hard to the driveway-
Mid flight-


I've spent a few hours
Pondering Universal Laws,
Law of Attraction
& Manifestation

Much time in
Keen observation of
Discussion & intentions
Of those willing their
Dreams into existence

Thought occurred to me-
It seems most are using their best intentions
To chase money, fame, and glory &
I fault them not…



The Original Human Content Journal
Resistance Poetry

Life long learner. Birder. Digital gardener. Creative. Blogger. So-so Photographer & Terrible Poet. One planet, one environment... for all.