Black Lives Matter Flew a Flag Today …

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2018


From a flagpole outside a school

in Vermont USA a Black Lives Matter

banner waved gently in the breeze

and Facebook could not take it,

believe me …

There were comparisons to the KKK

which of course is so utterly horrendous

in so many ways you have to wonder

if some folks just have never read a book

or what happened in History Class,

there was talk of White History Month,

and well Black Folks had slaves too

so calm on down & what about the

murdered cops & the riots & the chants

some have thrown out there for Fox

to pick up on & replay & replay & replay,

there was talk of All Lives Matter & besides

why don’t you educate your own Black Folks

& what about Chicago & Detroit oh yeah

what about that then hey?

there was the word Terrorist thrown around

with easy abandon & White Lives Matter

& clever boys in the comfort of their homes

had to chime in with Obama memes,

& Ferguson riot memes

& Black Lives Don’t Matter

& Black Ice Matters,

& some attempted history rewrites & snide digs

& insults & just plain outright pure

unadulterated White Lightning


& I really suggest dear reader,

that a visit to a Facebook thread

where America chimes in with

its two cents,

is a deeply dark & depressing place.

Mr. Eric Garner was choked to death,

as he stood outside a store,

selling loose cigarettes …

we should remember that.



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @, Poems for Trump.