Breathing Black

maurice blocker
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2020


Hold your breath boy.
Here come the cops.
If they see us breathing,
they’re gonna stop.

Hands up they’ll say.
Aiming at their prey.
If they don’t shoot.
We’ll catch a boot.
The ground we’ll meet.
Knee to the back, neck,
or cheek.
Pressing at the root.
Air deflating,
life about to go on mute.

Boy, pay attention.
That girl ain’t that cute.
She’s likely to film us.
While the cops get extra brute.

I can’t breathe.
Words we’ll speak.
Gasping for air.
Our pleads,
falling on ears that don’t care.

Bodies getting lifeless,
and weak.
Help us you’d think.
But life has shown,
they will stare at us dying.
Without a caring blink.

Our death,
a victory for their hate.
Cheering inside.
Happy two more brown bodies,
life no…

