Brighter Days Ahead

The youth are rising

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I was speaking to someone the other day
A young soul with dreams and ambitions
She said to me, ‘I want to make everyone’s life better’.
A statement so seamlessly grandiose and simplistic
Yet, it felt true and and innocent
I hung on to every syllable and wondered why
We can’t all have simple dreams of a better world
We can work towards.

She craved not money, nor social standing
But a better tomorrow, the world she would live in.
We do not ever, think like this
We act like adults, and hedge our bets
Do what we can, forgetting the rest
Because of issues of bureaucracy
Where money goes and power plays
This evil game, called politics
Has cast a shroud, over our inner child
Usurped our ability to hope and dream
Making us choose, who we can help.
Responsible, grown-up reasoning
Subjecting others to their demise.
It is kind of like, making a deal with the devil
Maybe not as nefarious, but flirting around the edges
We will let you save, a chosen few
Just to show a semblance of progress
But many others, perhaps the majority
Will be left for us, for continued exploitation.”



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be