Bubble Trouble

Emma Briggs
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Nov 21, 2020


Photo by Timur Romanov on Unsplash

Routine days start and end.
Am I really this content?
It’s all sweet in my little life,
working, writing, being a wife,
but too much sugar makes me ill.
Uneasy twinges grow until
broken nails tear my skin
to let the crazy world come in.
A little chaos keeps me awake,
some conflict for the story’s sake.
I need to pierce the peaceful bubble
to claim my piece of global trouble.
When it’s all going to shit out there
the serenity in here isn’t fair.
I wish I could ignore the strife
and build a wall around my life,
but I suppose it will never work.
I’m still a part of the wider world.
Even with closed eyes I see
I need something bigger than me.



Emma Briggs
Resistance Poetry

Australian writer, environmental activist, hang-gliding assistant & former sailor, journalist & clown. Poetry collection available now. www.emmabriggs.net