Cancel Culture

The voice of the collective

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

It seems today
Humanity has awoken,
The collective has risen
And the wagons have been circled.

In the name of truth,
Justice, democracy, equality
and other values that uphold our morality.

Now that we have all come together
To defend our most cherished values,
There has risen a movement of silencing
— “cancel culture,” I believe it is called —
Of muting all disagreements,
All who oppose the will of the collective.

And yes sure, it is fine today
When enemies muted,
Are vile and hateful.

But what precedent does it set
For a society moving forward?
What are tomorrow’s cultural norms?
What will be deemed as acceptable?
Can we look through a lens
And see the ways of future generations?

How about we take a few steps back
And examine our past.



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be