Cellular Revolution

Kirsten Louise Webb
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2019


we are free to receive
the world we dream
free to release
what’s been in the way

feel the world
earth healed
oceans forests animals humans all beings
in full bright thriving

it is a myth that war is required
in order to experience joy
it is a myth
to need that contrast

breathe out old smoke and clutter
breathe deep deep into every cell and interior corner
breathe in the complete story of your fullest brightest dream
breathe in the absolute knowing that it’s already arrived

breathe in that beautiful reality
like sun rising spilling light everywhere
into every crevice
into the very back of your shoulderblades

breathe it into the outside edges of your hips
breathe fresh cool clear sunrise air
into ankles down through feet
breathe it all the way into the earth

our vast collaborator

the thriving gorgeous world we desire
is here we just need to believe it
to open within ourselves
the space of its shape



Kirsten Louise Webb
Resistance Poetry

storyteller + earth listener + composer + vocalist + ritualist + multidimensional artist + agent of wild wholeness + improvising in the liminal