Child’s Play

The shit-show begins

Resistance Poetry


Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

Breathe, exhale
Sigh of relief,
The whole world seemed to do so
Was more at ease.
Calm after the storm
Or was it before?
As it is now playing out to be.

Election fraud
With no evidence
Deep state forces
Plotting against me
Lurking in the shadows
Mischievously planning.
You know those Satan worshipping
Child kidnapping pedophiles
Just QAnon verifying,
Or is the right phrase here
Conspiracy theory endorsing.
At an official capacity
In my authoritarian presidency.

Seems that didn’t work
Now it is
Fire all who oppose me
Go on a raging tantrum
Like a true toddler would
Didn’t you hear?
“Fox News is pandering to the left”
Among other flared-up tweets
Wonder what’s next.



Resistance Poetry

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be