
A Poem

Tina S
Resistance Poetry


Photo by luizclas from Pexels

I chuckled at the ground
This is where we once were
Madly in love
Oh how the times differ

Sitting near
Eyes fixed on each other
Everything was still
Back when you were my lover

Things have modified
From when I last stood here
Everything seemed perfect
Until you unleased my tears

You said you no longer loved me
And that I wasn’t good enough
You said I wasn’t pretty
And that being with me was getting tough

I really loved you
I tried to be your best
But you never saw
The struggle that I had suppressed

I blamed myself
For your mistakes
I blamed myself
For not having what it takes

You don’t care for me anymore
All my efforts were for nothing
No hard feeling though
I’m just glad I’m finally running



Tina S
Resistance Poetry

Nutritionist that writes everything related to good physical and mental health. For writing services, please contact: