Coherent Messages

Artwork © Nancy Ohanian — Used With Permission

To National Speak In Sentences Day.
Coherent Messages had this to say.
Proper sentence structure while speaking’s grand,
But please, say something we can understand.

Basics are a subject, verb and object.
But is there a message we can detect?
A Wharton grad, whose grades we’ll never see,
Give’s an example of what concerns me:

View this the same as the flu. When somebody sneezes, I mean, I try and bail out as much as possible when there’s sneezing. I had a man come up to me a week ago, I hadn’t seen him in a long time, and I said, “How you doing?” He said, “Fine, fine,” he hugged me, kissed me. I said, “Are you well?” He says “No.” He said, “I have the worst fever and the worst flu.” And he’s hugging and kissing me. So I said, excuse me, I went out and started washing my hands. So you have to do that. I really think, doctor, you want to treat this like you treat the flu, right?
[Watch video]

These were presser comments: Were you reassured?
Cases numbered 15, guess they’ll all be cured?!
Sixty days has passed, message now crystal clear.
What he understood is what we had to fear.

COVID ain’t the flu. A sentence can be read
With no understanding — no plan for COVID’s spread.
Celebrating sentences brings no joy today.
One hundred six thousand need not have passed away.

©2020 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.



Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!