Cold World, Knit A Sweater

I refuse to be enmeshed with evil.

Resistance Poetry


Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

I’m outgrowing people.
Sowing needles
needed to adjust my network.

The threads need to be smaller.
Probably just removed.
Connected by outdated test work
where my perspectives were rated
against my best hurts.

The ones that stuck the longest.
Conditioning is the strongest,
when there’s nothing new under the sun.
Imagination shot,
but confused on why life’s fabric would run.

Tethered together by flimsy craftsmanship.
Low quality threads….
But they’re the only ones they passed the kid.

I wanted to have a ball,
but couldn’t get past defense.
That fear was holding me back.
That fear is how we’ve been matched.

We have the same ones
so we all became one.
A monolithic masterpiece to those who remain 1
percent of the wealth that the earth’s brung.



Resistance Poetry

essence of spirituality is contentment Know yourself, heal your universe Corruption causes justice to appear insane Increase awareness, decrease reactivity