Collateral Damage

A Villanelle with Imagery

Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry



They went in to fight, knowing they might not come back

Innocent lives are sacrificed, unintended targets are in death’s sight

Hoping to minimize the devastation, words engraved on plaques


Last gasps of breath, the sounds of war; a disturbing eerie soundtrack

A picturesque detachment in black and white

They went in to fight, knowing they might not come back


Running through jungles and marsh terrain, soldiers wishing to fall back

Only to be wounded by a sniper’s appetite

Hoping to minimize the devastation, words engraved on plaques


Another war with an unseen enemy viciously attacks



Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou