TrumPooning Tunes

Dark Core*… of the Con Man

Sung to Tears for Fears’ Mad World ← Play it — Sing it!

Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2020


© Nancy Ohanian — Used With Permission

All around us are the politicians
Gagged clinicians, stunned physicians
We are wondering what is their mission
Not our healthcare, not our welfare
POTUS claims are making experts liars
Fact suppliers, loyal hires
Stood beside him at the lectern lying
Straight face trying, their souls crying

But his con is clearly failing, he tells us to stay calm
Corona claims its victims like the shrapnel from a bomb
He doesn’t want to tell us ’cause he thinks he will look bad
Veep praises the impostor with his very very
Dark Core
Dark Core

Saying most of us will not have symptoms
Virus stalking, happy talking
What if Mom and Dad become our victims
He hamstrung us, death’s among us
Told us we should simply shut our borders
Doctors bust him, no one trusts him
Frightened people become frightened hoarders
He is shameless, claims he’s blameless



Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!