
A Poem About Sadness

Tina S
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

All I see is success
Everywhere but within
An overwhelming sadness creeps
How can I explain this, where do I begin

I am like a deflated balloon
I served my purpose once
But the pressure from inside
Has been unbearable for months

Only a few people
Could return me to my flight
But its never me who
Is able to make things right

My heart aches from the sight
Of the young girl in the mirror
Stuck inside an adult’s body
That fears when I am near her

How could you be confident
If you don’t even know who you are
How could you be confident
When you’re attempting to heal a scar

I forge high and low
To feel gleeful for a moment
How could one be happy
If they don’t allow enjoyment

I’m happy sometimes
But I tend to focus on the worst
To keep myself safe
My feelings are forbidden to be interspersed

Why am I the way that I am
Is this who I was made to be
I’m sure if I try hard enough
This doesn’t have to be my reality



Tina S
Resistance Poetry

Nutritionist that writes everything related to good physical and mental health. For writing services, please contact: