Demagogues Will Find a Way

Humanity’s ultimate quest

Ingonimi Danide
Resistance Poetry
2 min readApr 13, 2020


Jo Justino

Some ascend a lofty throne
By claiming descent from God
Others go at it alone
Giving clueless chance a nod
Some disown their overseer
And his simple, perfect law
Only to fight among peers
And with law cover law's flaw

Ask a renowned inventor
Who insists God never was
If her works as creator
Could exist without a cause
Handiwork that show transition
And similarities keen
That then show sophistication
Unlike previous items seen
Hardly prove an innate driver
T’ward chanced metamorphosis
But may hint that old McGyver
Has many tricks up her sleeves

It is hardly ever said
That some bottle lost its glass
But I bet you must have heard
That simple cells became grass

God is God because He's first
And He answers to no peer
The object of mankind's thirst
Is just that: have none to fear

But to lord it over others
Pillage here and there scot free
Violate his nursing mother
And heed no divine decree

So he schemes to become God
By devising myths and fables
Of how a most divine pod
Delivered him to earth's table
When that fails he then rebrands
To a clump of cosmic dust
Driven to form mindless strands
That evolved to minded busts

Just to lord it over others
Pillage here and there scot free
Violate his nursing mother
And heed no divine decree

We were either created
Or appeared from nothingness
Then we somehow curated
Tools of our ingeniousness
On the first hand we're like babies
Clueless till we're taught better
On the other we are deities
The ultimate rule setters

To the fervent demagogue
Vying for the loftiest thrown
In church, lab or synagogue
Only one truth can be known:
Man is God or the next best thing
The ultimate rule setter
Triumphant was his beginning
Without God the tale's better

He can lord it over others
Pillage here and there scot free
Violate his nursing mother
And heed no divine decree

After all who has the right
To oppose man's killing spree
If although his race was tight
Won celestial lottery?

He will lord it over others
Pillage here and there scot free
Violate his nursing mother
And fear no divine decree

He’s lording it over others
Pillaging about scot free
Violating his birth mother
But will face divine decree!



Ingonimi Danide
Resistance Poetry

Poet. Writer. Life to art translator. Business idea collector. Random stuff analyzer. Storyteller. Funnyish. Theocrat.