Emergency! … Emergency! … The Wall & All.

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2019


The promise must be fulfilled,

this racist nonsense sold from

the very moment he descended

that golden escalator to pontificate

with poison, lies and snake-oil hustle

as he poked & prodded the uneasy skin

of the whitest of those amongst us those

already uneasy ignorant & fearful & easy prey

for talk of brown murderers & rapists coming to

get you & those already primed by this pompous bloviate

of a man & by the evil bitter darkness of Birtherism …

& so … to the wall …

that psychic defense line

keeping at bay those others

who would by their very presence

in this land of the free somehow soil

& mar this very earth & just plain get in the

way of a return to the days of glory when

America was Great … & can be great again …

& whose many justifications lie broken & forlorn

under the calm gaze of quite simply facts.

Emergencies! …

Slaughtered children in schools,

America & its guns …

how about we start with that.



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @, Poems for Trump.