L.M. Johnston
Resistance Poetry
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2020
Illustration 1701583 © Adrian Brugge — Dreamstime

For those who have had more than enough of our current trajectory as a nation. #ResistancePoetry

Enough of the 1%

enough of this “president”

…. all the old white men

who think we’re irrelevant

hell bent

to run this country

into the ground

laughing to the bank

while beaches and islands drown

standing back

so they don’t soil their suits

while their

hot women in high shoes

wade through

what’s left of the tides

that took livelihoods

and took lives

stole our goods

and every last dime

toss some tissues

then keep walking bye

go fly 9, 10 times

play golf

keep turning a blind eye

plant some seeds

watch the citizens divide

say the words

North Korea’ll light up the sky

but don’t you worry

“Mr. President” will be just fine

load his money

and fly on his plane

dodging missiles

’til he finds a safe place

to resume…. his tweets

while we crumble

at nuke’s feet

he’ll feast

you can tell the man eats

…elastic waistbands

and tiny hands

who the fuck forgot to teach him

to be a better man?

we had “united” and “one love”

until the baphoon

went and erased it all up


erased the pages

the laws and documentation

all the progress we’d been gaining

and now

every time he opens his big mouth


things continue to get worse

like seeing

the past century in reverse

racial divides keep us fighting

those in power are delighted

they count on us

keeping each other down

if we get suspicious

inject reasonable doubt

send in the clowns

bait and switch

smoke and mirrors

anything and everything

to change the appearance

of what’s really taking place

it’s groundhogs day

life, the news

stuck on replay

another speech

made us all sound dumb

wrote another tweet

with those orange little angry thumbs

so much talking

making our minds numb

’til we stop watching

start tuning it out

ya gotta wonder

is that what it’s really about?

while we’re reeling

“how’d it all get so bad?”

they’re on to the next

self-serving agenda they have

you might ask

why don’t these people

reap what they sow?

we all know

laws don’t apply to rich folks

but if you’ve got no dough

man, those are different strokes

the cops provoke

get caught for every toke

locked up longer than predators

that’s -IF- we survive

like life ain’t hard enough

without the reasons

we advocate for

black lives

trans lives

our rights should all be the same

no matter if you’re far back

or ahead of the game

equity, not equality

is how it would be

if it were up to me


be furthering the progress

not just an afterthought

the primaries bought

no one caught

just both sides selling lies

books on the shelf

to make our minds up for us

brainwash and fake news

alternative truths

’til we’re confused

about the facts we once knew

it’s like we’re in the upside down

all these monsters

and no way out

we’re all just

fighting for our lives

we gotta band together

if we want to survive

we’ve gotta unite

don’t let them divide

WE decide

who’s the real enemy?

and what battle do we wanna fight?

lets reflect on the musings of Lyndon B:

-“If you can convince the lowest white man…

…He’s better than the best colored man…

…He won’t notice you’re picking his pocket…

…Hell, give him somebody to look down on…

…And he’ll empty his pockets for you”

reflect again and say it with me

ALL they want is to keep us busy

….worker bees

doing THEIR labor

protect the hive

and sweeten the flavor

for THEM

look around… who’s profiting?

it sure as hell ain’t me

…and I doubt it’s you

all our life’s wages

only amount to -crumbs-

falling from

the collective table

all the BIG guys sit around

they have the power

and they know it

stacking the cards

so the truth don’t show

BIG Insurance, BIG Banks, and BIG Pharma

…Agra and Oil….

WE’VE got to be their kharma

before the world is on fire and it’s too late

WE’VE got to force them

they don’t want to change

why would they?

to them it’s worth the risk

anything and everything


THEY CASH IN and they’re winning BIG

so I’ll ask again

who’s the real enemy?

and what’s the old saying?


the enemy lies within.

