“Every Tuesday the train came”

A court crisis survivor meets a holocaust survivor

Valkyrie Vanguard
Resistance Poetry
3 min readApr 2, 2020


“Gaslight,” an original art piece by Valkyrie Vanguard — Medium: Black & White Photography

A holocaust survivor once said to me
That a long while ago in Nazi Germany
She along with her entire family
Where lined up to face their mortality

“Every Tuesday the train came”

They prayed together in front of the tracks
With all their belongings stowed away in sacks
While Nazi guards stood behind their backs
And another in front in freshly ironed slacks

“Every Tuesday the train came”

In vehement voices they called out names
And their poor owners boarded the trains
But little did they know they would face the flames
Despite only the most pleasant of claims

“Every Tuesday the train came”

And yet here I am across the pond in America’s core
The great-granddaughter of refugees from the war
The daughter of a millionaire with whom I have no rapport
And the hard-working mother he branded a “money whore”

“Every Tuesday the train came”

Holocausts come in all shapes and sizes
Hers was ancient and one the world recognizes
Mine is modern and born of money-making enterprises
Or so she cautiously criticizes

“Every Tuesday the train came”

Welcome to the modern holocaust of the family court corporation
Which is established, funded, and maintained by the American nation
Where the power of the people has undergone castration
And “reunification” camps require much concentration

“Every Tuesday the train came”

Where SWAT teams break into homes to kidnap children
Funded by the tax dollars of the average civilian
Where abusers of power sell children for several billion
And it seems slavery has yet to undergo abolition

“Every Tuesday the train came”

She stood at the tracks and waited for her name
The fear I feel before each trial is about the same
She betted everything to escape the waiting game
I unwillingly spent my youth on America’s con game

“Every Tuesday the train came”

She was raped in the “Free World” on her very first day
My gun violence and abuse was treated as child’s play
She never did get sent down Hell’s railway
But I never did get shot in my own home’s hallway

“Every Tuesday the train came”

I heard that one mother had to choose only one kid
A boy and a girl up for that hypocrite named Death’s bid
In court and at home my mother also did
But my father’s son’s shooting could not have been undid

“Every Tuesday the train came”

Her family and everyone else she knew either died or fled
Our genocide of seven hundred forty kids and counting went unsaid
As more each day are separated from protectors or slaughtered instead
And all we can hope for is to stop this hateful, corrupt system’s spread

“Every Tuesday the train came”

Back when we were hardly even a year into the five year long divorce
As more government interference created more traumas in due course
And we were unjustly thrown out of our home by a swine-filled police force
She said this was how it began — neighbors turn on neighbors with no remorse

“Every Tuesday the train came”

Over the camps the Allies flew their precious planes
Their polluting jet fuel pushing aside ashen remains
In the same direction as those tyrannical trains
It’s easy to stand by when you’re not the one in chains

“Every Tuesday the train came”

She didn’t talk about it out of fear, not shame
While I had no choice but to assume a pen name
And neither of us know who’s most to blame
The bystanders or the regime of their acclaim

“Every Tuesday the train came”



Valkyrie Vanguard
Resistance Poetry

Ode to Girlhood | Survivor of Domestic/Gun Violence, Sibling/Child/Family Court Abuse, and Other MRA Hate Crimes | One Face of the Family Court Crisis | She/Her