F*ck you and 2020 too!

Lyndsey Frondarina
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2020


For my Auntie Susie, my cousin Tina, my Uncle Paul, my Princess Whitey (my cat) and everyone else we lost this year. Whether it was directly related to COVID or not, a loss is a loss and a death is a death!

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Lost another one to 2020
not sure if it was COVID
or God just being funny.

I hear he has a sense of humor
but I think that’s just
another f*cking rumor.

They also say he never gives you
more than you can take,
but everyone I know
is about to f*cking break.

Maybe they didn’t pray hard enough
or maybe their beliefs aren’t strong enough,
all I know is this year has been
really f*cking rough!

I think what aggravates me the most
is all the f*cking a$$holes
who still think it’s a hoax!

As if the nations doctors and nurses
cries for help are one big f*cking joke!
All they ask is that we consider the
welfare of other people and the world
replies in a resounding, “NOPE!”

I hate to wish anybody tragedy
but sometimes that’s what it takes
for people to develop an ounce of
fu*king humanity!

I know they say common sense
isn’t very common anymore,
but apparently common decency
also went out the f*cking door!



Lyndsey Frondarina
Resistance Poetry

Just someone using writing as an outlet to deal with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and life in general. Poetry on IG @in.2.the.darkness