Facebook warrior. Am I?

A poet raises doubts over his function in the society.

Rahul S
Resistance Poetry


Source: Joshua Hook

I am a Facebook warrior.

but this is not an apology,
except that — people die every day
and we are all hopeless,
they said.

They said they are also Facebook warriors
like me.

I contributed some money
to some fancy-ass account asking
for donation in return
of some tax-cuttings. I said,
that would help me swap
my conscience with some peace.

Like we do in the case
of Starbucks?

It didn’t help.
I am helpless still.

My father
is a soldier in the armed forces.
Posted he is in Jammu,
at least he is not
a Facebook warrior. I want
to change people’s minds.

I am just a petty poet
and not many know it.

