False Advertising

Kathy Jacobs
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Oct 27, 2020


Peacock with his tail feathers standing out
Image by the author

You strut around the stage
Like a peacock waving its tail
You don’t seem to recognize
That the world is bigger than yourself

You wave your falsities, your lies
Like he waves his tail feathers
Trying to convince the world
That lies are truth, that bad is good

You try to overpower all around you
With bluster, with show, with fakes
Like the eyes on his feathers
Try to confuse those going after him

You surround yourself with people
Who will pretend to believe you
So they can corrupt our nation
Stay in power, make money

Peacock like, you have come to believe
The lies you tell everyone else
You have forgotten that the world
Sees through your cheats, lies, rip-offs

But soon a peacock blue wave
Will come along to wash you away,
To bring a day of reckoning
For you, your children, your cult



Kathy Jacobs
Resistance Poetry

💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.