Foto un-attributable origin-the image shows a young mother standing above the Senghennydd Colliery Pit Head waiting for the news of who was dead and who survived…where was her husband, her father her brother?


Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry
Published in
7 min readDec 15, 2020


A hidden stream runs deep

through the soil under this town.

There is the river, of course

churning through its channeled

constricted, structured way.

But there is another web,

of hidden streams,

a ream of unwritten rivulets,

unrecorded culverts and drains,

that ooze in black gleamed silence,

beneath the stones and roads,

that carries through the ages,

those familiar names and voices,

and streets laced with that great,

intricacy of an unintended design.

An interlocking mesh of unwritten

words, of so many hopes,

and deeds of long forgotten

lives, toiling endlessly to ensure,

that food and clothes are bought,

and that children survive.

And the quiet discord of lives,

spent in worthwhile causes,

left unrecorded somehow.



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.