Fear and Loneliness

In the eyes of greed

Robin Harwick, Ph.D.
Resistance Poetry


Fear and loneliness is what US society breeds
No unity
Everyone out for themselves

I search for those who are different
The ones that care
I haven’t found them…yet

The world seems bleak
Beauty exchanged for crime and destruction

Humans aren’t paying attention to the signs screaming
We must change

We have to preserve what we now destroy

Our planet and humanity are waning in the eyes of greed

©Robin Harwick, Ph.D.

Authors note: Written April 15, 1993, but never shared publicly. Dedicated to all those who have been working tirelessly to care for the earth.

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Robin Harwick, Ph.D.
Resistance Poetry

Author, Educator, Researcher, Survivor, and Youth & Family Advocate. robinharwick.com