Fire and Fury

Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2017

“They will be met”

“With fire and fury”

Says the commander in chief

Who’s never walked through the jungles

Or marched in waters so deep

“With fire and fury”

As his arms crossed his chest

Who’s never carried an M18 recoilless rifle 57 mm

Or smelled the fear on his fellow soldiers sweat

“With fire and fury”

His brows arched in anger

Who’s never faced an ambush

Or carried a nylon-covered flak jacket

To wrap up a Ted Lavender

Who died in the bush

“With fire and fury”

He declares

Assuaging his ego

Which is “bigly” flawed

Yes, with fire and fury

You shall burn from within

Like the Agent Orange that you are

Which scars our skin

You shall burn, you shall burn

Consumed by sin

Ted Lavender is a character from the book, The Things They Carried.



Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou