Photo by visuals on Unsplash

For God’s Sake

Wear A Mask


For God’s Sake, Trump, wear a goddamn mask
It doesn’t cost much
Is it too much to ask?
And if not as a good example
At least to hide your face
With your curly pinched lips
Which gorge in disdain of people of race
And even God — because you cannot be him
What a shame — you’re such a disgrace.
Oh, for a mask just glued to your face
To muffle your calls to victimize and blame.
But then again you know only too well—
A mask is not worn to protect you but the other
And so, goddammit, why should you bother

I know, I know you just don’t understand
How can you indeed?
You pathological egocentric — equipped
To the hilt with psychopathic skills
Now try saying that, without sounding inept
Deplorably pathetic and plainly outwitted
Oops, I didn’t write this. I’m way too unprepped
And again it’s too late to retract what I twittered!



Sylvia Wohlfarth
Resistance Poetry

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…