Free Me

A Villanelle

Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry



The days of old are gone, but the shackles still remain

Where can mercy and grace be found

White supremacy carries the mark of Cain

Treated like animals, so very inhumane

Racism and hate are America’s playground

The days of old are gone, but the shackles still remain

Another life has been taken, can’t comprehend, its a mental strain

We watch the scene over and over sickeningly spellbound

White supremacy carries the mark of Cain

How many will we watch to be continually slain

The land of the free has become a hunting ground

The days of old are gone, but the shackles still remain

Cleansing of their hands for the moment, but the blood still stains

America’s distaste for the black man is a rich breeding ground

White supremacy carries the mark of Cain

Each and every death is a coup de main

Generational pain cries “free me” from hallowed burial grounds

The days of old are gone, but the shackles still remain

White supremacy carries the mark of Cain



Violet DeTorres
Resistance Poetry

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou