Free Pour

A poem to let go to

Annine Massaro
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Imani Bahati on Unsplash

Fall out

Just take a breath
Close your damn eyes

And fall

Fall into the not knowing
Fall onto new ground
Fall hard
Fall soft

Makes no mind
Thoughts appear

Only sense alive

Allow all without grasp


Hear it come
Smell it enter
Taste it inside

Moving down the body

The belly follows
Up, embracing the in
Down, releasing the out

Full now

You may sense the core
Tethered strands
Shimmering in the liquid air

Precious life

Annine Massaro ©2020 all rights reserved

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Annine Massaro
Resistance Poetry

Lover of the divinity to be found through language and poetry. I write for bc it is a passion - to be whole and inspire