Collections …

“From the pews to the picket lines, African-American civil rights champions have brought out the best in us.” Trump … 2/13/18.

Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2018


Oh the brazenness of this …

the pure …

utter …. unadulterated nerve

of this man …

to say what he thinks he should,

words that his Luciferian White Knight

speechwriters somehow honed & polished

as they put aside their baser elements & vomited

forth some choice ringing phrases to ensure some

Uncle Toming & “Oh Yes! … “ on the evening news

& that we’d all look to our Man in the White House

to speak for the nation & inspire, heal, lead us to

that promised land of color blindness, equal opportunity

melting pot rainbow mixture … oh yes.

Never …



let us forget the white pride at the bottom

of Trump’s golden pyramid scheme,

& let us have emblazoned forever in the

chapels of the heavens above the single

word that impelled this divisive clarion

caller of a Greater America …


So spare me your poetics Trump …

I for one recall your poison

& self-serving darkly

cynical evil that is


your nods to the KKK,

& your good “White Pride” people

in Charlottesville …


forgive him not for that one.



Matthew B.
Resistance Poetry

More Trump stuff going back to that day in November can be found @, Poems for Trump.