Grand Old Clusterf#ck

a flight of limericks about Republican infighting

Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Resistance Poetry
1 min readJan 3, 2021


Sen. Ted Cruz

There once was a Texan named Cruz
In 2016 he endured many a bruise
ㅤㅤTrump pelted your loved ones with turd
ㅤㅤYet you prop up his ass, undeterred
Rather than concede defeat to the Blues

Rep. Louie Gohmert

Now here is one remarkable creep
He just sued his own party’s Veep
ㅤㅤScheming to compel Pence
ㅤㅤSome 80 electoral votes to dispense
This goober is as vile as the ocean is deep

Vice President Mike Pence

Torn between God, Ambition and Mother
Smothered in presidential blubber
ㅤㅤSubserviently obsequious
ㅤㅤSlippery, oleaginous
This cracker creeps me out like no other

and two more, from the archives

Sean Hannity

There once was a talking head named Sean
Where he lacked intellect he had plenty o’ brawn
ㅤㅤWho’s to say you ain’t lyin’
ㅤㅤDude, you were Cohen’s secret client!
And on the phone with the Prez, dusk ’til dawn

Rudy Giuliani

There once was a mayor named Rudy
His life — now a non-stop B-movie — 
ㅤㅤEach night on prime time
ㅤㅤArguing Biden’s election was a crime
To me, this whole lot seems pretty colludy…!



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Resistance Poetry

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"