
Lyndsey Frondarina
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Dec 19, 2020


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It’s said to be the season
for caring and sharing,
better to give than to receive
is what we want to perceive.

But Santa brings the presents
and that’s what we teach,
too selfish and materialistic
to practice what we preach.

It’s the most expensive gifts
that bring the biggest smiles,
fuck living a simple
moderate lifestyle.

So afraid of rejection
and thirsty for attention,
we’re quick to buy

What better way to
spread Christmas cheer,
than buying presents you’ll
be paying off for a year?

Money isn’t everything but
we’ve made it such a necessity,
in our capitalistic
driven society!



Lyndsey Frondarina
Resistance Poetry

Just someone using writing as an outlet to deal with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and life in general. Poetry on IG @in.2.the.darkness