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Grief and Praise

Matthew Broyles
Resistance Poetry


(with apologies to Glen Phillips)

Everything has its time
And then it ends
Blown away into the dust
Of memory
If that

Which is why
Perched in the highest levels of wisdom
Is finding happiness
In being a part of something wonderful
All the while knowing
That one day
It will cease to be

You may live to see its end
Or your own being may cease beforehand
Hard to say which is more difficult

I have watched many beautiful moments pass
Into the sunset
Never to return
I miss them
But am the better for having seen them
When they were in full flower

So many friends
So many plans
So many dreams
So many brilliant ideas
Those that made it to conception
And even those that didn’t
They stir in my recollection
Like ripples on the surface
Of all that makes me who I am

