Growing Power

a sonnet for hope

Jane Woodman
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

Despite our fears, the Seasons will keep turning;
Fresh Spring will follow these hard days of ice.
The soil still breathes, and bulbs still feel the yearning
For some small breath of warmth that will suffice.
We must know that our hearts will keep on beating
Regardless of the hurt they’re feeling now,
And anger, while it’s strong, is still just fleeting-
We till the soil much better with Hope’s plough.
Some seeds don’t germinate, but we keep tending
The ones — so many now! — that breathe and live
Until the ice melts with the strength we’re sending
To one another with the Love we give.
Rejecting no good will, then, we’re surrounded
By millions in whose strong hearts we are grounded.

