
Handing it on from one to another.

Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry


On the old road above Danyderi,

Martins and Swallows are in the air,

Families taking their fill I suppose.

And on the sagging telephone wires,

groups sit in lines gossiping

in excitement maybe

before the long flight south.

But I feel the warmth

of an earlier Autumn sun,

and in remembering my father,

edged with age and sadness.

I remember another man

who could wield

a long handled spade,

like his father had done before him.

but some things are never handed down,

the knack or skill of driving

the clean worn steel of the spade,

through the earth without a sound

and in one easy unbroken move,

heft the sod on its back.

so that winters frost and driven rain



Rob Cullen
Resistance Poetry

Rob Cullen artist, writer, poet, artist — admires Lorca, the view of my garden, the thoughts of my sheepdog. Likes cooking what I grow.