Hanging on to harmony

Lorikeet Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay.

Ironic, how this Iconic text stings
the audio reading of Sapiens
magnifying complications
stripping needs and wants

I switch sentience on
to the larking lorikeets
to the passing passeggiata *
of hellos rambling around

us, the disabled and abled
awkward on a playground beam
seesawing chance and destiny
in a renascent neighbourhood

I merge in with universality
looking for mirror neurons
ourselves in each of my cells
shifting and stretching across

to you, furred and webbed residers
taking a breather from humanity
unhiding from gullies, reefs, hollows
wearily, warily testing inauthentic friends

I hang onto harmony
as if we are sliding this way
as if it’s a temporary life raft
humming harmony in my head.

*passeggiata: Italian word for a stroll, walk

© Caterina Mastroianni. All rights reserved



Caterina Mastroianni
Resistance Poetry

A poet, writer, teacher, learning designer living in Australia.