He Wields a Crowbar

Prying Us Apart

Sydney Duke Richey
Resistance Poetry


Photo by Jon Sailer on Unsplash

he wields a crowbar
prying us apart

our country
full of splits and chasms
a society riddled
with cracks, fissures

hatred, fear
racism and misogyny
are the fulcrum
that gives his crowbar
the power to pry us apart

easing the crowbar
into a gap
he pushes down hard
and smiles

but people are gathering
all races, ages and creeds
and he can feel our strength

we’ve come together
protesting against hate
standing against racism

now he sits in his house
the crowbar slack in his hands
his grip loosened

with open minds and hearts
we can wrest the crowbar
from him and seize it

and understanding
that the work has just begun
we will lay the crowbar down



Sydney Duke Richey
Resistance Poetry

Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*