He Won Because …

the Sunday morning concession tweetstorm, as a Shakespearean sonnet


by Donald J. Trump

He won because Election Booths were Rigged
My loyal Red State fans are super ticked
On this alone, Joe is DISQUALIFIED!!

The Lamestream Media wants me to croak
They won’t report on hordes of evil dead
Unearthed just long enough to cast their vote
Recall, without them I was WAY AHEAD!!

That shady firm Dominion is to blame
Bad reputation, tallies gone awry —
In the pockets of the Left — NO SHAME
Without them, I won Texas by a mile!!

Don’t hold your breath, I’ve only just begun
Concessions are for pussies — I still WON!!

I have the best sonnets

and here is the Sunday tweetstorm



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Resistance Poetry

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"