
A longing for the return of the bygone

Swathi Raj
Resistance Poetry
2 min readJul 12, 2020


Photo by Kellepics on Pixabay

My love!
Enough with your wanderings,
Enough with your nebulous search,
Have you found your lost self — in the desert soil and the forest rains?
In the humming of birds and tickling of fishes — did you find your solace?

When your search drifted you away from me,
Did you fly away with a stone-hard heart?
(I was melting inside, hiding my tears, wishing you a happy journey)
Didn’t you feel the need for more of my breaths?
(I was suffocating, out of breath, for I had lost my oxygen)

Now, years from your journey for the unknown,
Have you collected all the sovereigns possible?
Have you conquered all you wished to climb?
Have you experienced all you felt to be missed?

Once you have ticked off every item in your bucket list,
Once all your desires, all your aims are satisfied,
(Or if you realize the futility of chasing them)
Once you start to feel at home — in faraway lands, with stranger people,
(Or if you are feeling homesick — eager to meet your own people)
Once you can sense all the happiness, all of the good,
Once you can absorb all strange emotions, all of your aching,
Once your heart is burning with flames of love,
(Or if it is broken with undefined pains)
Once you realize that the flesh knows only to survive,
(But the soul knows nothing but to love)
Come back to me, come back to your old haunting.

If your wanderings truly redefined you,
If you altered self is ready to meet the ghosts of its past,
If your inner calmness can withhold any storm,
Come back to me and unleash yourself,
Come back and invigorate me with all you have learned,
I am here, waiting with patience, to learn from you,
I am here, trembling with love, to immerse in you.



Swathi Raj
Resistance Poetry

Trying to bridge the gap between my inner thoughts and outer expressions.