Carrot Sprouts: photo credit: BHD 2017

How You Win.

Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readMay 31, 2017


Send in the army of doctors!
Send in the army of teachers!
Send in the army of healers,
and grief will break minds,
and lives will be transformed!

Allow the parents to be humbled by support!
Allow the children to be educated by empathy!
Allow the land to be the location where life is free!

How do we win the war of wars;
this mirage of wars,
this pack of lies fabricated to look like wars,
this illusion of bombs and technology?

Send in the healers:
make way for peace!
In the name of love;
send in the healers,
make way for peace!



Resistance Poetry

Artist, Writer, Tattooist, Find me on Instagram, UnSplash, and FB under that same name.