I Read a Poem Today

Interview with Exiled Zimbabwean Poet on the Womawords Project, and …

Jamie Dedes
Resistance Poetry


Call for submissions to Daughters of the Earth Project, an international contest

Taken on a trip in 2016 with World Vision to Sierra Leone. Courtesy of Annie Spratt, Unsplash

I Read a Poem Today

I read a poem today and decided
I must deed it to some lost, lonely
fatherless child… to embrace her

along her stone path, invoke sanity
I want to tell her: don’t sell out your
dearest dreams or buy the social OS

Instead, let the poem play you like a
musician her viola, rewriting lonely
into sapphire solitude, silken sanctity

Let it wash you like the spray of whales
Let it drench your body in the music
of your soul, singing pure prana into

the marrow and margins of your life
Let your shaman soul name your muse,
find yourself posing poetry as power and

discover the amethyst bliss of words
woven from strands of your own DNA
Yes. I read a poem today and decided
I must deed it to a lost fatherless child



Jamie Dedes
Resistance Poetry

A freelance writer, poet, content editor, and blogger. I manage The BeZine thebezine.com and The Poet by Day jamiededes.com, an info hub for poets and writers.