
A Poem

Jonathan Greene
Resistance Poetry


Photo by JC Dela Cuesta on Unsplash

It’s hard to feel content
with this weight pulling on me,
leaving me out of balance

The weight is so heavy,
a burden I can’t bear,
and all I can think of is
to stand straight and
maintain my balance
through it all
No matter what comes at me
I must maintain this (im)balance

It’s a rocking inside of me
An uneasiness with what is normal,
tipping me to one side
until I tip back and regain my balance
But in order to regain stability
I have to overcorrect,
swaying toward oblivion
just to get traction again

I have no equilibrium
Vertigo feels like sanity
as the world swirls
and I fall to one side
losing my balance
And maybe it’s actually
the (im)balance that
is a relief right now
because if I felt centered
in times like these
I wouldn’t be paying attention
to the maelstrom



Jonathan Greene
Resistance Poetry

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com