Photo by Rubén Bagüés on Unsplash

Immediate Burial

John Gillen
Resistance Poetry
Published in
Aug 13, 2020


When my grandfather was dying
He kept asking to talk to Simon Peter
Eventually he couldn't say anything else at all
Just kept asking for Simon Peter

That's not how my other grandfather died though
On the night my other grandfather died
He walked into the kitchen
And told my grandmother
That the angels with him now
Had been sent to take him home
But she must sleep upstairs
In their bed
While he slept in the living room
Because the angels would not take him away from her

In the morning
She came downstairs
And found that
My grandfather
And the angels
Had gone to see Simon Peter

I am the grandson of two men
Who lived in Christ
And died as prophets
And someday
When I’ve said enough
I hope the angels will take me to see Simon Peter too

